Searching for Creative Commons licensed content
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
If you've ever wanted to let your users only see content that is free to use and share (such as through Creative Commons), here are a few tips on how to do it. Assuming you've indicated the CC license in your pages, you can now specify that you want only content with specific licensing terms to show up in your CSE. We've made available four labels for CSE creators to use based on the CC licenses:
- free_use_share (by-nc-nd)
- free_use_share_commercially (by-nd)
- free_use_share_modify (by-nc-sa)
- free_use_share_modify_commercially (by-sa)
As you generate content, please keep in mind that there are a number of ways Creative Commons licenses may be added to an HTML doc:
- with <rdf:RDF>...</rdf:RDF> in the HTML head or body
- using <meta name="DC.rights" content=uri of cc license>
- using <a rel="license" href=uri of cc license>
- using <rdf:RDF>...</rdf:RDF> in a comment
<a rel="license" href=""> ...and also illustrates method number 4:
<!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns="" ... >See the file source for the complete text and don't forget to visit our Webmaster Central for more information.
<License rdf:about="">...
</rdf:RDF> -->